Monday, April 2, 2012

News: Fall Retreat 2012 will be at Lake Arrowhead. Your advice is needed for 2013 retreat.

This message was sent by Claire Max to the CfAO Steering Committee

Dear CfAO Steering Committee:

Thanks very much for your quick responses to our poll about a Northern California site for this year's Fall Retreat. Lake Arrowhead was urging us to "move to contract" in order to guarantee our reservation for this coming November, so we needed to make a quick decision. Unfortunately, there was only enough time to investigate four of the eight proposed Northern California sites in depth; all of these had costs considerably more than Lake Arrowhed.

Hence in our poll of the Steering Committee, Lake Arrowhead got the most votes (seven votes to four), with the Berkeley Clark Kerr Conference Center coming in second. Most of you agreed that we should go to Lake Arrowhead this coming fall because time was short and the other sites seemed expensive, but that with more time to research other sites, we should find a less expensive Northern California location for next year. People liked the idea of holding the Fall Retreat in Northern and Southern California in alternate years. Also, Don Gavel and I are applying for an NSF Workshop grant that might be used next year to help defray the costs for grads and postdocs.

Soon we'll resume researching different Northern California sites and pass that information along to you for feedback. I've listed below the sites we will be considering (always looking for less expensive rates). Please let us know if you think of other sites that we should explore.  


Claire Max

Claremont Hotel & Spa, Berkeley

Clark Kerr Conference Center + Hotel Durant or Claremont Hotel, Berkeley

San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront    

Dream Inn, Santa Cruz    

Hotel Shattuck Plaza, Berkeley   

Cavallo Point Lodge, Sausalito

UC Davis

UC San Francisco - Mission Bay Conference Center